Tuberculosis Project

TB is highly infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Gujarat Red Cross serve through the power of “Humanity” and coveys the message behind TB control Project activities that “Tuberculosis is curable” but the patients need to complete their course of treatment fully in order to be cured. Gujarat Red Cross TB Control Project plays an important auxiliary role in assisting Government of India to implement its RNTCP particularly in community level.
Free treatment is available through the RNTCP Govt. facilities. Since last few years, Gujarat Red Cross has been working on controlling TB in Ahmedabad Rural and Urban areas.
Project Goal
Improved Adherence to Tuberculosis Treatment Regimens by Vulnerable, Retreatment Tuberculosis Patients.
Project objectives
- To provide care and support for treatment adherence to 500 most-vulnerable tuberculosis patients.
- To increase community awareness on Tuberculosis, MDR Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis/HIV through project advocacy, information, education and communication, and social mobilization.
- To reduce stigma and discrimination towards Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis/HIV patients and their family members.
Major activities
- Identification of New Tuberculosis Patients.
- Enrolment of New TB Patients.
- Training of Red Cross Volunteers regarding RNTCP Module.
- Awareness Camp
- School Awareness Programme