
Blood Transfusion services play a vital role in the health care delivery system. The health care services have been increasing with latest hi-tech ultra-modern facilities in Ahmedabad city and Gujarat day by day. In the 21st Century, Government, Corporate Hospitals could able to establish super specialty facilities with ultra-modern world class equipment but for fulfilment of requirement of blood, we all are depending on human only.

Indian Red Cross Society has been pioneer and key humanitarian organization to promote voluntary blood donation in the Country. Voluntary Blood Donation movement picked up in Gujarat immediately after the war with China in the year 1962 under the auspices of Indian Red Cross Society. The first voluntary blood Bank in the state was started by Indian Red Cross Society, Gujarat State Branch in the Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad in the year 1963, followed by one Blood Bank in Gulabbai, General Hospital in 1964 and in Seth V.S. General Hospital in the year 1965. Due to the untiring and relentless efforts put by Red Cross Volunteers and team with the whole-hearted support and cooperation from the communities, other service organizations and the social bodies voluntary blood donation Programme achieved tremendous success over the past many years. Red Cross and Blood words became alternate of each other’s in the State.

From the initial blood collection of about 400 blood units in the year 1963, Red Cross organization has been able to reach more than 160000 units of blood annually. At present there are 23 Red Cross Blood Centres (Banks) and 15 Blood Storage Units run by Red Cross Branches in  Gujarat State. Red Cross has planned to ensure that blood will be available at Blood Centre of Storage Unit within distance of an hour in each corner of the Gujarat State. Red Cross Blood Centres provide safe and adequate blood and blood components units to more than 200000 needy patients.

Gujarat Red Cross has been the proud winner of National Blood Donation Trophy at the hands of President of India every year since 2000-2001 for securing the highest number of voluntary blood donation amongst all Red Cross Branches in the country. It is indeed a tremendous achievement for Gujarat Red Cross since none of the other Red Cross State Branches in the country could win the Shield for so many years.

All the Red Cross Branches have been proactively doing sincere efforts for promotion of voluntary blood donation in their respective areas. Red Cross Branches have been organizing voluntary blood donation camps and supporting local Govt. or other Trust run blood banks. Every Gujaratis’ feel proud to know that we have more than 225 “Centurion Blood Donors” who have completed hundred times blood donation.

Red Cross have been continuously doing efforts to make available safe blood and blood products to all those who need it at the right time, quantity, quality and place, especially at emergency obstetric centers, trauma centers and surgical units etc.

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